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Google is the most popular search engine in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In those countries, Google has over 80% of the search market. With so many searchers going there for information, it’s no wonder Google Ads is also popular. Many companies use Google Ads to promote their business online. But Google Ads can be used to promote a charity as well. The best part is that Google gives most charities $10,000 monthly to bring awareness! Below we’ll cover what we have seen works to get activated or approved on your first application. We start with gathering the paperwork and knowing how to apply for Google Ads Grants.

How To Apply for Google Ads Grants and Get Approved
How To Apply for Google Ads Grants and Get Approved

Paperwork Needed for How to Apply for Google Ads Grants

If you’re a charity and are looking to get approved for a Google Ads Grant, the start is to make sure they approve you as a charity in your country and have that paperwork handy. Before you go further, it is good to make sure this paperwork is available and is not expired. In the USA this most likely will be as a 501c3 organization.

This is also a good time to plan for any changes the website needs. Who has access to change website content? Are they comfortable making changes or should you look for someone to help them? Is there a process for approval for content changes to the website? Are there any things that the website needs you were considering changing? This would be a good time to get those website improvements done. Then you have the best chance of getting Google Ads Grant Approval on the first attempt.

Have a Great Website that looks Professional

In order to be approved as an advertiser on Google Ads, you need to have a professional-looking website. Your website must also be mobile-friendly, and offer relevant content that is beneficial to your target audience. When someone visits your website they get a great impression of your organization, which will make them more likely to interact with your organization.
There are several other things that you should keep in mind when making your website work well with Google Ads:
– Make sure your site is accessible across any device (mobile and tablet devices included)
– Your site should have clear calls-to-action to help, and for donations for instance.
– Write relevant content that appeals to your target audiences.
– Keep in mind search engine optimization (SEO) when creating content for your site. You want to get approved for a Google Ads Grant on your first (or next) application but we have seen that sites that have good SEO are organized well and get better performance once you are using your Google Ads Account. For instance, you will have higher ad positions and quality scores.

A Secure Website is needed for Google Ads Grants Approval

An important step you should do before deciding you are ready How to Apply for Google Ads Grants is to make sure your website is secure. When it comes to digital security, Google proves they care about the safety of web visitors. You can get a security certification and send all data by an encrypted tunnel. One is by getting a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt ( to use on your site. These certificates make the SSL protocol encrypt all traffic between your site and the visitor’s browser. This means that when you use HTTPS on your website, your visitors stay safe from hackers and eavesdroppers because all traffic is hidden. This includes website content, form submissions, and any donations. You should check with your web host or web developer if you are not sure how to get an SSL certificate. If you have a web host interface like Cpanel you might check there if there is an easy way to add it to your site. There should be several ways to get one free that also auto-renews when needed.

Must-Have own domain for Application

Before you even bother worrying about how to apply for Google Ads Grants you should make sure all aspects of your website are presented in the best light. One of these is having your own domain that is registered with the domain registar of your choice. You may want to also look at other charities or non-profits like yours in your country and mimic the style and top-level domain that they are using. Do most people use the .org top-level domain in your country? Then you should consider doing that as well. But the main thing is to look professional for people you are helping, potential donors, and any Google employees that may look at your domain name.
The main this is not to send to a subdomain or some page on someone else’s site like Facebook or Eventbrite. You should have a domain of your own and it is something you will use for years to come.

Make Sure your Website Loads Fast

Google has said repeatedly that they like websites that load quickly. They have said that site speed is one of the factors in SEO rankings. It is also something they consider for Paid Search. While a Google Grant does not cost you money, why take the chance that someone will leave because your site is slow? The more a user sees your ad, the more likely they are to click and visit your website. This is why Google Ads is so important because it is where you can reach people looking for what you have to offer. When it comes to loading speed, Google looks at page speed as a quality metric, and low page load speed results in lower rankings. So while working on this project makes sure that the Google and TechSoup reps or robots see a snappy website. We like to make sure the main pages load in less than 3 seconds. If you can get this even lower that is good. This can be done in a variety of ways from a better web server, compressed images, and cleaner code. If you are not sure how to do this contact a web developer.

Have an “About Us” page on your website

Before you start your Google Ads application, make sure you have an “About Us” page on your website. This will provide important information about your charity and your goals. It should include the name of your organization, any contact information, and a brief description of what your charity does. Another important piece of information to include is the type of charity you are. This will help web visitors view you more favorably and help them make an informed decision if they should trust you or not. Have information about the current president of the charity here. You may also want to have information on the history and founding of the organization. This page should have a professional tone that any visitor would appreciate. It should also match the tone of social media and print collateral. Together they can create a cohesive marketing message that boosts credibility for your charity. Finally, update your “About Us” page regularly to keep fresh content on it and ensure that people know who you are.

Have a privacy policy on your website

Google Ads suggests that websites with a Google Ads account have a privacy policy. This includes information about how your website uses and collects personal data. It helps you follow the new GDPR regulations (if needed), which went into effect on May 25th, 2018. You need to be transparent about how you collect, store, and process the personal data of visitors. So it’s important that your website has a privacy policy that is clear and easy to find. Usually, the best place for a privacy policy page is to link it from the footer and on each page. If you need to write one you can use your favorite search engine and search for a “privacy policy generator”. These should be free.

Have a Terms and Conditions page on your website

If you want Google Ads Grant approval, make sure you have a Terms and Conditions page on your website. This will allow users of your site to agree with the terms and conditions of using your services. You write the content on the Terms and Conditions in easy-to-understand language. Link it from the footer on each page. If you need to write one use your favorite search engine and search for a “terms conditions generator”.

How to apply for Google Ads Grants and get Approved

Now you’ll first need to submit a request for approval as a non-profit. This will ensure your account follows the new policies being enforced by Google. You can do that at this webpage on Google.
There are two ways to approach this process:
1) Request approval from Google Ads directly;
2) Request approval from the non-profit’s in-house or third-party ad agency.
As long as your account is set up following the steps in this article, it is more likely to be approved on the first try. If you need assistance navigating the application process, contact us.
The way ads work on Google Ads has changed starting April 18th, 2019, so now more than ever before advertisers need to know how to become a successful advertiser on Google Ads. In this blog post, we’ll cover all the new regulations for advertisers on the platform, along with tips on how you can get approved as an advertiser with ease. At the above link, you might find that your organization qualifies for more assistance or more grants. There are different programs for schools, libraries, and other organizations.

Register your nonprofit with TechSoup

You might find that your organization is eligible for other grants and discounted services from other companies like Adobe, Microsoft, and more. This might help you with this project and other ones. There are many benefits of registering your nonprofit with TechSoup.
For instance, if you’re registered with TechSoup before starting your application for approval, the process will be much easier and streamlined.
Additionally, if you’re registered with TechSoup and have a 501(c)3 status or higher, you may be eligible for more assistance.
Registering your nonprofit is free and takes less than five minutes to complete!

Final Step! Complete Google Ad Grants eligibility form

Finally, you are ready for final steps how to apply for Google Ads Grants. You will need to complete a Google Ads application called the Ad Grants eligibility form.
The form is pretty straightforward and covers the basics of your charity and your advertising goals, along with additional information about your organization’s services.
Submit your activation for review to Google Ads Grant Program.

The most important rule for advertisers to follow is that you cannot use Google Ads to promote a bad or misleading product or service. For most charities this is not a problem.
If your goal is to maintain approval as a charity on the Google Ads Grant allowance, it’s imperative that you adhere to the guidelines set in place by Google.
1) Submit your activation for review via the form located above.
2) You can check every day if you got approved, but that just might make you stress out. Work on other projects.
3) Wait patiently; remember, many advertisers have had their applications rejected because they haven’t followed these steps correctly! Don’t skip the above steps. If you don’t know how to do them ask your web developer or hire someone to help you.
4) Receive a response from Google stating whether or not your application for Google Ads Grant Approval has been approved. Now it is time for Google Ads Grant Setup.

FAQ for How to Apply for Google Ads Grants

Are Google Ad Grants free?

Yes once your account is approved for a Google Ads Grant you do not have to pay any money monthly. There is no application fee. You really should not have to pay anyone to get or keep a Google Ads Grant. You may have some time and people power needed to get your website eligible, submit the paperwork, set up the account, and maintain the account monthly. You can also pay an online advertising agency to set up or maintain the account.

Is Applying for Google Ad Grants worth it?

Yes, this is definitely worth it for most organizations that have a decent website or can make one. The paperwork needed is fairly standard and things you would need for donations, taxes or to make donors feel comfortable like 501c3 filings. And the time to submit the paperwork is not too bad. And then setting up the account is not that difficult but you might want to get some suggestions from experts.

How do Google Ad Grants work?

This grant is for free advertising on the Google Ads Search Network monthly and uses the same interface as Google Ads. Therefore there are keywords and ads that are needed to show your ads and the best practices of Google Ads are the best practices of Google Ads Grants. There are some additional requirements but these are not too bad, just make sure your account is working well and optimized to get targeted traffic.

How to Apply for Google Ads Grants?

There are about 10 steps that we think all organizations should check before submitting their application, to have the best chance to get approved on the first application. Then there is a page on Google to submit the application. This will help you understand how to know if you are ready to How to Apply for Google Ads Grants.

How long does it take to get approved for Google Ad Grants?

This can take from a few days to several months. This is depending on how compliant your site is with website best practices and what Google likes to see for documentation. If you are approved on your first attempt it will probably take a few days to a few weeks. If you have to have your webmaster improve or change your site it will take longer.

How much are Google Ad Grants worth?

For most organizations, they receive a credit of $10,000 a month and it does not end. It is an ongoing credit so if it is on for a decade it can be over a million dollars of free advertising! They will occasionally send you a questionnaire and you need to respond to their emails or your account may be suspended within days of not complying. Some organizations can receive more than $10,000 a month and we have seen credits of $20,000 or $30,000 a month. These advertisement grants can bring you volunteers, employees, or donations so the real value might even be higher.

What are the requirements to How to Apply for Google Ads Grants?

There are several rules or requirements so you stay compliant with their program. Some of these are having a 5% or higher click-through rate, no single word keywords, no vague keywords, at least 2 ad groups in each campaign, your own unique domain, and secure web hosting. You also need to be a registered non-profit charity in your country with proper documentation. For instance, in the United States, this is a 501c3-approved charity.

Does Google give the reasons I was not approved for Google Ads Grants?

They may but often they do not give exact reasons. I would review your email carefully to see if it gives you the reasons your application was denied. Also, I would go through this complete article like a checklist and consult your webmaster or contact us if you have more questions.

Conclusion to How to Apply for Google Ads Grants

If this guide helped you know how to apply for Google Ads Grants please consider sharing it on social media. If you got disapproved for some other reason not listed above please let us know and we will add it to this guide so it stays complete and helps other charities know how to apply for Google Ads Grants.

If you are NOT a charity you are probably not eligible for a Google Ads Grant Approval and you should not even worry about how to apply for Google Ads Grants. You can learn more about how we manage Google Ads for businesses on our Pay Per Click Management Services Page.

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